Normandy – Part 2: A lambretta tour

Reading Time: 16 minutes
Normandy, France (June 2024)

When I learnt the Dorset Modrapheniacs Scooter Club were planning to visit Normandy for a few days, detouring on the way to the Euro Lambretta at Magny-Cours, France, in June 2024, I was enthusiastic about Steve and I having the opportunity to join them.

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Euro Lambretta France 2024

Reading Time: 11 minutes
Magny-Cours, France (June 2024)

I was so excited! A few of us from the Lambretta Club of Australia had managed to snag tickets to the Euro Lambretta event at Magny-Cours, France, from 13th-16th June 2024. These tickets are like gold dust for European clubs and having not participated at a Euro since 1993, because adulting and work commitments got in the way, I felt honoured and privileged to have the opportunity to be one of those lucky members to be going and was thrilled to be hopping on a plane all the way from Australia for some scooter shenanigans in France.

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Normandy – Part 1: A winter break

Reading Time: 24 minutes

Normandy, France (January 2024)

I was warned. In France many attractions and museums close during January and the weather would likely be cold and gloomy.  However timing our visit in the first week of January was our only option. It was also probably the last time our family would all travel together, as Brandon was now 19 years old. I hesitated when booking but as my research informed me there would be enough open attractions for us to visit over our 3 days in Normandy, I decided we would go for it. Continue reading “Normandy – Part 1: A winter break”

Winter break in Venice

Reading Time: 12 minutes
Venice, Italy (February 2023) 

I have been to Venice before. It was 30 years ago when I was backpacking in Europe with a friend, on a very tight budget. On that adventure in January 1992 we stayed in youth hostels and bought food from the supermarket which didn’t need cooking (e.g. bread and jam). We visited most of the main tourist attractions like St Mark’s Square, Rialto Bridge and Peggy Guggenheim museum. I even managed to buy a Venetian glass ornament which I somehow got back to Australia in one piece. It still proudly sits on display in my home now. 

This would be a different experience with a bit more spending money. Steve and I were visiting the UK and decided to invite my UK based in-laws (Steve’s mum, dad and sister) to join us on a side trip to Venice for 2 days & 3 nights. Our objective was to spend some quality time with our family that we haven’t been able to see much the last few years thanks to the pandemic – creating memories while experiencing Venice.

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